How Much Does Disability Pay With Heart Problems?

If you can’t work any longer because you have heart problems that are disabling you can apply for Social Security disability benefits. Disability benefits for heart problems can help you pay for living expenses like housing and food. The maximum amount of money you can get from the Social Security Administration for disability in 2023 is $3,627 a month. But the actual amount of money that you are awarded when your application is approved could be less.

How To Calculate How Much Disability You’ll Get With Heart Problems

When the Social Security Administration approves your application for disability benefits they will choose a benefit amount for you based on several different factors like:

  • Where you live
  • How severe your illness is
  • How many years you’ve worked
  • How old you are
  • The cost of living
  • The cost of your medical expenses
  • Etc.

Every person is given a different benefit amount. If you want to receive the maximum disability benefit of $3,627 per month you will need to be sure that you have included medical evidence, evidence of your expenses, and other documentation with your application for Social Security disability benefits.

How Much Does Disability Pay With Heart Problems?

Getting Back Pay For Heart Problems

If it takes a long time for your application for disability benefits to be approved or if you’ve had to go through the appeals process because your initial application was denied you could qualify for back pay from the Social Security Administration.

Back pay is payment of benefits for the months when you were waiting for your application be approved. There is a waiting period of five months for disability benefits, so you won’t receive back pay for the first five months after you applied for disability benefits. But you may receive a lump sum payment for benefits for each month after that five until your application was approved.

For example, if you applied for Social Security disability benefits in March 2022 and your application was not approved until May 2023 you would receive a lump sum of back pay for nine months of your benefit amount.

Retroactive Payments For Heart Problems

You may also be eligible for retroactive payment after your application for Social Security disability benefits for heart problems is approved. Retroactive pay is paid to cover the period of time from the date of your official diagnosis to the date that you applied for benefits. If you are granted retroactive pay you can still receive back pay. So you could receive a retroactive payment in one lump sum, another lump sum for back pay, and then monthly payment of benefits moving forward after your application is approved.

Work With An Attorney

Talking to a Social Security attorney about your application and getting their advice can increase the chances that your application will be approved quickly. You don’t have to pay anything up front to talk with a Social Security attorney. The attorney’s fees are paid from the back pay that you receive. Fill out a Free Case Evaluation form now and get connected with a participating, independent Social Security attorney who subscribes to the website that can answer your questions and help you apply for disability benefits.

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