Your Treating Physician's Opinion and Your Disability Case

Submitted by Kyle on

When an individual applies for Social Security Disability benefits a number of factors are taken into consideration. What many people wonder is exactly how much weight is placed on the opinion of the physician that is treating their condition. Because many applicants do not understand the importance of the treating physician’s opinion, they fail to include written statements from that physician in their application for Social Security Disability benefits and fail to discuss their plan to apply for benefits with the medical professional who is providing them with care.

The fact of the matter is that a treating physician’s opinion matters very much in a Social Security Disability claim. Even if you are required to go for a consultative exam, the opinion provided by your own treating physician is weighed more heavily than the opinion of the professional providing the consultative exam. This is because your treating physician has worked with you on a regular basis and has a better understanding of the limitations that your disability places on you.

It is important to discuss your plan to apply for Social Security Disability benefits with your treating physician prior to filing a disability claim. If your treating physician believes that your condition warrants Social Security Disability benefits, he or she can help you in your case and can provide you with a strong written statement that will help the Social Security Administration understand how your condition qualifies you for the benefits you are seeking.

If you fail to discuss your plan to apply for benefits with your treating physician, you may be missing one of the most important tools in your arsenal when it comes to your application for Social Security Disability benefits. While medical records do say a lot, they may not shed as much insight into your case as an actual statement from the medical professional who has been providing you with the care you require.

If you want to increase your chances of being awarded Social Security Disability benefits during the initial stage of the application process, it is crucial that you discuss your application with your treating physician. Ask your physician if he or she will fill out a written statement on your behalf. Your physician will understand that the more detailed their written statement is, the more likely it is that you will be awarded Social Security Disability benefits from the Social Security Administration.

When the Social Security Administration reviews your claim they will take into consideration the fact that your treating physician supports your claim for benefits, and this tips the scales in your favor. If, for some reason, your application is denied, the statement from your treating physician can also help increase your chances of successfully appealing that decision. In any case, it is very important that you work with your physician during the Social Security Disability claim process if you want the best chance of being awarded benefits during the initial stage of the application process.