Does COPD Automatically Qualify For Disability Benefits?

Yes, COPD automatically qualifies for disability benefits because COPD appears in Section 3.02 of the Social Security Administration (SSA) Blue Book.

This listing covers various chronic respiratory disorders. Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) refers to any of the chronic diseases involving an obstructed airflow to or from the lungs.

These diseases make it hard to breathe and may be life-threatening in certain cases. Examples of COPD are bronchitis and emphysema. If the SSA can see that you have problems with breathing and that it would prevent you from working or earning a living you will have a higher chance of getting your application for a COPD disability benefit approved.

How to Automatically Qualify For Disability Benefits

To automatically qualify for a disability benefit, you need to have a condition that is part of the compassionate allowance program. The compassionate allowance program is a way to quickly identify diseases and other medical conditions that meet the SSA requirements for eligibility for disability benefits.

These conditions typically include certain cancers, adult brain disorders, and several rare medical conditions that affect children. However, achieving a disability benefits approval also requires that you don’t just have a diagnosis for COPD, but sufficient medical evidence that supports your claim.

Does COPD Automatically Qualify For a Disability Benefit?

Does COPD Automatically Qualify For a Disability Benefit?

COPD sufferers can qualify for a disability benefit as long as the emphysema or bronchitis is severe enough that the victim won’t be able to work for at least 12 months and is unlikely to ever fully recover from the condition. If the medical condition is life threatening then the victim should have their claim for disability benefits fast tracked under the compassionate allowances program.

Even if the COPD sufferer isn’t experiencing severe symptoms yet he or she can still qualify through the application process. It is important to include all documentation that proves the sufferer is unable to work.

The standard test for diagnosing COPD is spirometry which is when the sufferer is asked to blow all the air out of his/her lungs into a mouthpiece connected to a machine known as a spirometer.

The machine calculates two numbers which are the amount of air blown out in the first second, and the amount of air completely blown out. These numbers are represented as FEV1 and FVC. FEV1 stands for the forced expiratory volume in the first second—the amount of air you forcefully exhaled in the first second of blowing.

FVC stands for forced vital capacity which is the amount of air that was exhaled in one complete breath. The FEV1 percentage predicted indicates how severe the airflow is obstructed when compared with people of the same age, gender, and height.

Get Help With Your Claim

It is never easy to win a disability benefits claim but a lawyer may be able to help with your claim and can help you determine if you automatically qualify for disability benefits. Having the results of a spirometry test will help to support your claim.

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