How Much Does Disability Pay with a Heart Valve Disorder?

A heart valve disorder is evident when your heart valves fail to work correctly, either because they have become too narrow, or that leakages occur backwards. These both restrict the movement of a healthy blood flow to the remainder of your body. Each year, around 8 million Americans are faced with a diagnosis of a heart valve disorder.

Sometimes you are able to work, while at other times you are unable to do so and have to face financial hardship. If your heart valve disorder means you are unable to work or carry on with daily routines you may find you are eligible for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits which are administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

The Financial Burden of a Heart Valve Disorder

If you wish to return to normal life, valve replacement surgery can cost on average around $164,000. If you don’t have sufficient medical insurance, you may have to apply for SSDI benefits to cover you until you can raise the money to pay. When you submit an application for SSDI benefits, the SSA will evaluate your claim using the Blue Book, which covers all conditions and requirements that are considered to be disabilities by the SSA. If you at least meet, or are equal to one of their listings, your application for SSDI benefits may be approved.

Valve disorder may cause several symptoms that could limit your capability to work, like:

  • difficulty when breathing;
  • shortness of breath;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • extreme fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • an outbreak of chest pains or feelings of discomfort when undertaking regular activities;
  • heart palpitations;
  • swelling of the ankles, feet, or abdomen;
  • unexplained fast weight gain;
  • fainting;
  • light-headedness.

How to Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits

There are many possible requirements to qualify for benefits for a heart valve disorder, so you should talk to your doctor to find the one that fits you best. It is unlikely your claim will be approved if you only have a valve disorder unless it is extremely severe.

How Much Does Disability Pay with a Heart Valve Disorder?

What Disability Payment is Likely with a Heart Valve Disorder?

Bbenefits are calculated based on average earnings throughout a lifetime, not on a household’s income or based on the severity of the person’s disability. The total amount a worker who is disabled due to a heart valve condition can receive including any family members is around 150 to 180 percent of the disabled person’s benefit. To ensure you get your entitlements you should go through the following medical procedures:

  • A physical examination by your doctor who should pick up your valve disorder using a stethoscope.
  • An echocardiography which measure your valve’s shape, how thick your heart’s walls are, the valve’s action, the size of its openings and the severity of the narrowing or backflow of blood.
  • An electrocardiography (EKG), which determines if any of your heart’s chambers have become enlarged or if your heartbeat is irregular.
  • A cardiac catheterization, which determine how well your heart is working.
  • A coronary angiography which determines if you require any kind of surgery and what kind.
  • Imaging tests, such as MRI and chest X-rays,
  • A detailed statement compiled by your physician which explains how severe your valve disorder is and how it limits you.

You May Require a Disability Lawyer

An SSDI benefit means a lot of money for you but you have to be able to put up a good case to ensure you qualify. That’s why it is a good idea to seek out the service of a disability lawyer before you start the claim’s process.

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