Why Are Disability Benefits Hard To Get?

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About 70% of initial claims for disability benefits are denied. With so many denied it’s important to understand why it’s hard to get disability benefits so that an application can be filed for SSD that is more likely to be accepted than denied.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) doesn’t deny an application without giving good reasons. Most of these are due to the medical condition not being listed in the SSA’s Blue Book, which covers severe medical conditions that will prevent an employee working for at least 12 months. Another common reason for a denial is when the applicant hasn’t provided sufficient medical information that proves the severity of the medical condition.

Why Are Disability Benefits Hard To Get?

To be eligible for Social Security disability benefits, there are both medical and non medical requirements that need to be met. These include the following:

  • you must have a disabling medical condition that prevents you from working;
  • your medical condition should be either terminal or likely to last for at least 12 months;
  • you must have accumulated enough work credits to be eligible for disability benefits;
  • if the SSA thinks you are still able work or you haven’t provided enough medical evidence, then your claim may be denied.

How Can I Improve My Chances of Getting Disability Benefits?

There are some key facts listed below you should consider before you file your initial claim for disability benefits.

  • Make sure you have enough work credits, which depends on how old you are. For example, if you are under 24 years, you will need to have earned a minimum of 6 work credits (from 1.5 years of work) that’s 4 credits annually. The number of work credits required to qualify grows as you become older.
  • Have enough medical evidence so that your claim meets a Blue Book listing. The Blue Book is divided into several sections, each with a different medical condition that qualifies for disability benefits.
  • Any other evidence required by the Blue Book such as results of medical tests and your physician’s report and proof you are undergoing treatment.
  • File your claim in a timely manner which means as soon as you have discovered that your medical condition will stop you from working for at least 12 months.
  • Appeal any denials within the deadline date set in the denial letter.
  • Continue with all prescribed medical treatment.
  • Provide a detailed work history so that the SSA will know what you can and can’t do with your medical condition.
  • Work with a lawyer who may be able to help you get the disability benefits you deserve.

Get Help With Your Disability Claim

It is important to provide sufficient medical evidence proving the severity of your medical condition. If you work with an attorney, they may be able to help you win your claim for SSDI benefits. Get connected with an independent, participating attorney who subscribes to the website by filling out the Free Case Evaluation above!

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