What Should You Not Say When Applying For Disability Benefits?

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The Social Security disability (SSD) program is available to help those who are mentally or physically unable to work on a regular basis. So one of the most important things you should avoid stating is that you would work if somebody was prepared to hire you.

If you were to say that it is quite likely you will be denied disability benefits. This is because SSDI is for those who are unable to work.

Exaggerating Your Disability

Exaggerating your disability will not help get disability benefits. You’ll need to provide in-depth medical evidence of treatments, medications and tests you have undergone that prove you have a serious medical condition. If you exaggerate your disability and you don’t have the documentation to prove it you can’t expect to qualify for SSDI.

Stating You Don’t Keep Up With Treatments

The SSA doesn’t accept that you may be disabled for the remainder of your life so if you don’t keep up with the treatment that your doctor has prescribed you may not qualify for benefits. The SSA will need to see that you’re trying to better your condition (if it is possible for you to do so).

If you are not paying any visits to a doctor for your medical condition, you may not qualify for disability benefits. Failing to be treated by a medical professional may block your chances of getting benefits. Current medical records are important, and if you stop a specific treatment because you found it was of little help you will need to explain this action.

You Can Work, But Can’t Find a Job

If you can work, but are just struggling to find a job then you may not qualify for disability benefits. You must be unable to work for at least 12 months due to a diagnosed medical condition.

You Are Able To Do Chores

If you are asked about chores, explain what you can and can’t do rather than make blanket statements. You may be asked whether you are able to house clean, bathe yourself, or cook meals. It is better to say you may be able to cook meals twice a week but when you find it too difficult to get out of bed, your family will cook for you. You may say you can take short walks occasionally but not too far and for too long.

Get Help With Your Disability Claim

It is never easy to know what to say when questioned about your disability or completing a form for the SSA stating you are unable to work. However, if you work with an attorney may have a greater chance of winning your claim for disability benefits. An attorney may know if your disability will stop you from working and may help you get the SSDI you deserve without exaggerating the effects of your disability.

Fill out the Free Case Evaluation today get in touch with an independent, participating attorney who subscribes to the website.

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