Blog posts

Disability Payments Slowed Down To Meet Fiscal Targets

Submitted by Kyle on

With the overwhelming backlog of Social Security Disability claims that are currently in the Social Security System, one would think that the Social Security Administration is doing everything they possibly can to clear up that backlog as quickly as possible. Surprisingly, that has not been the case in the past week.

How are the Baby Boomers Affecting Social Security Disability?

Submitted by Kyle on

There have been doomsday “prophecies” that the Baby Boomer generation will bankrupt the Social Security system. That the influx of Baby Boomer retires will drain the Social Security fund of all of its money and that the system will go broke, leaving future generations to fend for themselves. How much of this is true? Just exactly how are the baby boomers affecting Social Security Disability and the Social Security programs as a whole?

7 States Receive Grants for Employment for the Disabled

Submitted by Kyle on

In the past, it wasn't always easy for a disabled individual to obtain work in our nation's workforce. In fact, with today's fierce competition for almost any type of job that becomes available, the ability for a disabled individual to obtain gainful work is even more challenging. In seven states, however, finding jobs for the disabled may soon be easier than it has been in recent years. Seven different states, including Hawaii, California, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington and Wisconsin, have all received grants to improve employment opportunities for their disabled residents.

Rick Perry: Outlook for Social Security Grim

Submitted by Kyle on

Rick Perry may believe that his views on Social Security are founded in sound logic, but the truth of the matter is that his beliefs couldn't be further from the truth. The Texas governor had no problem bashing the Social Security system, calling it a “Ponzi Scheme” and a “monstrous lie to our kids,” but the truth is that the Social Security System is a viable and sustainable program that can support the nation's elderly and disabled if proper changes are made.