Blog posts

What are Social Security Disability Consultative Examinations?

Submitted by Kyle on

Any time an individual is applying for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income benefits, the Social Security Administration requires medical documentation in order to prove the disability. This medical documentation comes in the form of a medical evidence, records, treatment histories and statements from treating physicians. However, when this information does not provide the SSA with enough evidence, they SSA will also require a consultative exam.

Why Do SSI and SSDI Applications Take So Long?

Submitted by Kyle on

Individuals applying for Social Security Disability are required to fill out an initial Social Security Disability application. Unfortunately, this application process can take up to three or four months to complete. According to the Social Security Administration, approximately 30% of Social Security Disability applications are approved at this stage. The remainder of these claims must go on to appeal a denial of disability benefits.

What Happens at a Social Security Disability Hearing?

Submitted by Kyle on

A Social Security Disability hearing is an option that a potential Social Security Disability recipient may experience in the event that his or her Social Security Disability claim has been denied during the initial stage of the disability claim process. Individuals who have been denied disability have the opportunity to have their case heard by an administrative law judge, known as an ALJ.

How Does Age Affect One’s Chances of Being Awarded SSDI Benefits?

Submitted by Kyle on

Individuals of all ages can be approved for Social Security Disability benefits, as long as they meet certain stipulations. The chances of getting disability benefits depend on different factors.

Over two million disability applications make it to the Social Security Administration on a yearly basis, and less than half of those are approved during the initial application process. The remainder are left to fight for their benefits through a disability appeal process.

Father Fights to Reduce Delay of Disability Payments

Submitted by Kyle on

Dealing with the Social Security Administration can be extremely time-consuming and frustrating. Herbert Russell found this out for himself after his daughter, Heather, was diagnosed with metastatic Stage IV cancer which eventually spread throughout her body in May of 2009. Heather wasn't ready to give up on life and continued to work at her local home improvement store until the following October, when her doctors told her it would be better for her to quit.