Why Should I Submit New Evidence With My Appeal?

Many people become disabled either permanently or partially through no fault of their own and expect to receive disability benefits to support them while they have to endure the financial hardship because they can no longer work. Unfortunately, about 70% of disability benefits are denied from the first application. If this has happened you will need to file a social security disability appeal.

If you have been denied a social security disability benefit, working with a disability lawyer may help increase the chance of your disability appeal being approved. When submitting your appeal, you should provide as much new medical evidence as possible to support your disability claim. It’s likely your initial claim was denied due to lack of medical evidence. Adding more evidence may then help your claim.

What New Evidence To Should I Submit?

There is a lot of administration to deal with when it is necessary to appeal disability benefits denials but asking a social security disability lawyer to work on your behalf will help you to win the disability benefits you deserve.

One of the most important things when submitting an appeal is making sure there is sufficient evidence to prove you are disabled enough to qualify for disability benefits. As you have already been denied social security disability benefits, it is important to gather newer evidence to support your appeal. This may include any of the following:

  • ensuring more medical tests are done that reveal your disability;
  • gathering relevant medical records compiled by your doctor;
  • getting an up-to date letter from your doctor regarding your medical condition;
  • getting an up-to-date RFC performed by your doctor that will be accepted at the appeal.

Why Should I Submit New Evidence With My Appeal?

Where to Submit the New Evidence

If you recently denied Social Security benefits recently when you request an appeal you can either do this in writing and submit it to your DDS or send it directly to SSA. Your request must be received within 60 days of the date you received the letter informing you of the SSA decision.

All your supporting documents and new evidence can be loaded electronically to support your letter of intent to appeal. If the SSA accepts your application to appeal your case will go through the reconsideration phase where officers who are not familiar with your case will be asked to assess and provide their decision.

Get Help Today

If you are unsure where to send new evidence, a lawyer can help. A disability lawyer will know why your claim has been denied and will help you provide new evidence you can use at the reconsideration stage of the appeals process. If you win your disability claim at this stage you will be awarded the disability benefits you deserve.

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