Compassionate Allowance - Small Cell Cancer (of the Large Intestine, Ovary, Prostate or Uterus)

If you are diagnosed with a rare or serious disorder it can be quite scary. It may be difficult to know what to do, what options you have, and even how you will pay for medical and general life expenses. You might be curious whether or not you qualify for disability benefits and, if so, how you go about applying for them. In order to expedite the disability application process for certain individuals, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has created a list of disorders known as the Compassionate Allowances.

The Compassionate Allowances are a group of rare or severe disorders that automatically qualify a person afflicted for disability benefits. The SSA recognizes that there are specific cases where it would be detrimental to expect a person to go through the usual rigmarole of applying for disability benefits. If you have a disease that is listed as a Compassionate Allowance, you are allowed to go through an expedited process. This means that instead of taking the normal three to six months for the application procedure, it will instead take you only a few weeks or so. On top of that, you won’t have to wait even longer to start collecting your benefits. In most circumstances you can begin receiving them as soon as the next benefit cycle starts. This can help relieve some of your financial stress.

Small Cell Cancer of the Large Intestine, Ovary, Prostate or Uterus – Condition and Symptoms

Small Cell Cancers are rare and aggressive cancers. They spread quickly and often are not diagnosed until the cancer is in its later stages. Treatments for Small Cell carcinomas tend to be chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery if possible. This is different for Small Cell Prostate Cancer, however, which is not able to be operated on and does not respond to radiation or chemotherapy. Life expectancy for individuals with Small Cell Cancers is short. The disease progresses rapidly and few survive beyond the two-year mark after diagnosis.

Small Cell Cancer of the Large Intestine forms in the tissues of the large intestine and can spread to other parts of the body. It is rare and accounts for only .2%-.8% of all intestinal cancers. Symptoms are rather generalized and usually mimic more common conditions. Usual symptoms include unexplained weight loss, change in bowel movements and abdominal pain.

Small Cell Cancer of the Ovary is an extremely uncommon type of ovarian cancer. It is split into two types, the hypercalcemic and the pulmonary. Hypercalcemic is more common than pulmonary. This cancer usually occurs in young women under 40 years of age. When the tumors metastasize (spread), they usually stay within the abdominal and pelvic region. However, multiplication throughout the rest of the body sometimes takes place.

Small Cell Cancer of the Prostate occurs in only 1% of all prostate cancers. The tumors are aggressive and are not usually found until they have reached an advanced stage. Sometimes, Small Cell Cancer of the Prostate shows up as a recurrent tumor after the treatment of the more common prostate cancer. Normally, however, Small Cell Cancer shows up as a combination with conventional prostate cancer.

Small Cell Cancer of the Uterus, also known as neuroendocrine carcinoma, is a rare form of uterine cancer. Only about 1%-2% of all uterine cancers are of the small cell type. This disease was first reported in 1958, and then again in 1972. Since then there have been around 40 cases of Small Cell Cancer of the Uterus. Because it is so rare and the terminology used to describe it is not uniform, it is difficult to accurately approximate how many cases there have truly been. The cancer metastasizes early and quickly, making its way in to the lungs, liver, brain and bone. It has a recurrence rate of close to 70%.

Filing for Social Security Disability with Small Cell Cancer of the Large Intestine, Ovary, Prostate or Uterus

If you have been diagnosed with Small Cell Cancer of the Large Intestine, Ovary, Prostate or Uterus, you can be sure you will be able to collect disability benefits under the Compassionate Allowances act. It will not take you as long to be approved as it would in other cases, and you will start receiving your benefits much sooner. This is especially important for diseases in which the prognosis tends to be rather poor.

When applying for disability, certain medical documents must be provided. For all of these Small Cell Cancers, pathology and/or biopsy reports are a must.

Your Small Cell Cancer of the Large Intestine, Ovary, Prostate or Uterus Social Security Disability Case

When applying for disability benefits, even with a condition listed as a Compassionate Allowance, it is always a good idea to seek the help of an experienced Social Security disability lawyer. They can review your case with you and help you make sure all of your paperwork is organized in the right fashion and that you have the proper medical documentation on file.