March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

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If you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, you may be able to qualify for social security disability benefits. This is because the Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes MS as a chronic illness or “impairment” that could cause a disability which is serious enough to prevent you from working for at least 12 months. If you have any of the following symptoms, or any combination of these or other symptoms that prevent you from working, you might qualify for Social Security benefits:

Social Security Payment Schedule 2024: Exactly When to Expect Your Checks in March 2024

Submitted by Elizabeth on

Are you receiving Social Security benefits each month? If you’re getting money from the Social Security Administration (SSA) each month, you need to know when Social Security payments are made each month so that you are able to budget that money. When Social Security payments are sent depends on what type of benefit you receive and other factors. This guide contains everything you need to know about receiving Social Security benefit payments in 2024.

March is Disability Awareness Month

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March is Disability Awareness Month. If you suffer from a disability, you may qualify for social security disability benefits. If you are unable to work for at least 12 months due to your disability and you have the medical evidence to prove it this will help determine your eligibility for disability benefits. As soon as you have been approved it will help to relieve the financial hardship you are suffering as a result of your disability.

How You Can Find a Lawyer or Advocate for Your SSD Claim

Many people are overwhelmed by the Social Security Disability application process. This isn't very surprising when you consider how frustrating the process can be. If you've read the various forums and blogs, you've likely heard more than a few stories about Social Security Disability nightmares.

Tales abound about people having legitimate claims denied, waiting years for benefits to begin, being treated unfairly during the appeal process, the list goes on...

February 2nd is Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day

Submitted by pec on

Rheumatoid arthritis awareness day is February 2nd, 2024. Learn more about the holiday by reading the text that follows. The Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Foundation (RPF) recognized this day in 2013 so that it could raise awareness for all victims of the disease who have to live each day with pain and misunderstanding about what is considered to be a chronic medical condition. Having a day set aside for rheumatoid arthritis allows health providers to spread the knowledge about the importance of an early diagnosis for the disease.

Can I Get Disability Benefits If I Get Other Benefits?

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You may still be able to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) if you receive other types of benefits, but it will depend on what sort of other benefits you receive and how much those benefits amount to. Typical other benefits you may be receiving include workers’ compensation, short or long term disability benefits associated with an employment based injury or accident or VA benefits. You may find that a disability benefits attorney will help you obtain the disability benefits payment you need.

February is National Cancer Prevention Month

Submitted by pec on

February is National Cancer Prevention Month. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you may be able to qualify for social security disability benefits. This will depend on whether your cancer diagnosis will prevent you from working for at least 12 months. February also helps to build awareness for cancer prevention by suggesting lifestyle changes that my help to minimize your risk of contracting cancer.