High Cholesterol and Social Security Disability

High cholesterol buildup has become a serious problem for many reasons. Even though your body requires some cholesterol for the creation of healthy cells, having high levels of cholesterol can carry the risk of a heart disease.

Conditions and Symptoms

There are many risks attached to high cholesterol levels, but people often are not worried because:

  • There are no noticeable symptoms
  • You won’t know for sure until you get a blood test
  • It does not cause immediate issues

There are no obvious symptoms for a person who has a high level of cholesterol; however, the risk of getting other conditions that do have symptoms increases. These conditions include:

When the blood in your body has high levels of cholesterol, it starts to coagulate in the walls of the arteries. This causes atherosclerosis, which is a type of heart disease. The arteries become so narrow that the flow of blood to the heart is slowed down or blocked in extreme cases.

The oxygenated blood is carried to the heart through the pulmonary veins, and if enough oxygen and blood does not reach your heart, it causes pain in your chest. If the blood supply is completely cut off due to a blockage, it can cause a heart attack.

If there is a buildup of plaque in your blood, it can stop the blood and oxygen from reaching your brain. If there is a clot that is completely blocking your artery feeding the brain, then it carries the risk of a stroke.

How to Qualify for Medical Benefits

If you have increased levels of cholesterol in your blood, then you have a condition known as hyperlipidemia. This lipoprotein disorder can have significant effects on your body and can cause atherosclerosis and coronary artery diseases.

You can qualify for the disability evaluation for Social Security if you are suffering from the high cholesterol. High cholesterol is listed in the Blue Book under the Cardiovascular System - Adult section under Hyperlipidemia.

You can claim a social security disability claim by applying through Social Security Administration field offices. The following is the way a Social Security disability claim is processed:

  • The application can be filed online, by mail, via telephone or in person
  • The field office verifies any non-medical requirements for eligibility
  • The field office then forwards the case to Disability Determination Services (DDS)
  • The DDS audits the medical case for the claimant from medical sources
  • The DDS, after verifying, sends the file back to the field office for an appropriate action

Importance of an Attorney

Statistically speaking, there are a large number of Social Security disability claims that are rejected during the initial claim, reconsideration, and hearing levels. A disability attorney will help you in the entire process from the initial application to the hearing stages.

It is important to hire an attorney for your Social Security case for the following reasons:

  • Chance of getting your case approved increases significantly
  • Knows how to present the case in the best interest of the client
  • Helps you select the most suited impairment listed in the Blue Book
  • Prepares all the relevant documents and helps you present yourself in front of the judge
  • In certain terminal or dire financial conditions, they can expedite the case
  • Presents sophisticated arguments against a wrongly denied case

If you have already filed your initial application and are waiting for a response, then there is little a disability attorney can do for you until a case is denied.

Otherwise, the costs of hiring an experienced disability attorney are outweighed by the benefits.