How To Apply For Disability With A Thyroid Gland Disorder

If you’ve been diagnosed with a thyroid gland disorder and it’s impacting your ability to work you can apply for Social Security disability benefits.

Disability benefits are available to anyone that has worked but can’t work any longer because of a medical condition. You can use the money from disability benefits to pay for any living expenses while you are sick and can’t work. Follow these steps to apply for Social Security disability benefits:

Step 1: Determine How a Thyroid Gland Disorder Limits You

When you apply for disability benefits with a thyroid gland disorder you will need to be able to show that you can’t work now and that you won’t be able to work for at least 12 months because of the symptoms of the condition that you have or because of the treatment for that condition.

You will also need to be able to show that you can’t perform any of the previous jobs that you’ve had. You must demonstrate that you can’t do any kind of work that you have training or experience in. It will help your case if you can also show how the condition limits your ability to perform activities of daily living.

Step 2: Consult the Blue Book For Thyroid Gland Disorder

Every condition that qualifies for disability benefits is listed in the SSA’s Blue Book. And every listing in the Blue Book contains a set of requirements that you must show that you meet in order to have your application for disability benefits approved.

But there are several listings that you can use to qualify for disability benefits for with thyroid gland disorder because it’s a complex illness that has multiple symptoms.

When the SSA looks at an application for disability benefits due to thyroid gland disorder they will look for either thyroid related changes in blood pressure that case heart arrhythmias or other cardiac dysfunction to qualify under listing 4 in the Blue Book.

But you may also qualify for disability benefits due to thyroid-related weight loss which is covered in listing 5 of the Blue Book.

If you’ve had a stroke caused by thyroid gland disorder you can qualify for benefits under listing 11. Or, if you have cognitive limitations, mood disorders, and anxiety you can qualify through Blue Book listing 12.

Step 3: Gather Required Documents

Documentation is critically important for proving that you meet the listing requirements in the Blue Book. You should submit copies of you diagnosis, doctor’s notes, all your medical records, and test results.

You also may want to include an RFC form filled out by your doctor. When you submit your application you will need copies of your proof of citizenship, your Social Security card, birth certificate, tax information, and other identifying paperwork.

Step 4: Speak With a Disability Attorney

It can be overwhelming to try and keep track of everything you need to apply for Social Security disability benefits. But talking to a lawyer who works on disability cases can help make it less confusing and intimidating. Fill out a free case evaluation today and talk with a disability attorney about your application for benefits.